It’s only January, but remember sun protection in Tucson, from dawn to dusk, everyday. Remember cloudy days do not provide UV protection!
It’s only January, but remember sun protection in Tucson, from dawn to dusk, everyday. Remember cloudy days do not provide UV protection!
Just donated blood. Great way to get some tasty snacks and even better way to ease the shortage of blood and blood products. The life you save, may be your own so please donate!
Mr. Spock was famous for saying live long and prosper. Things that have made us live long and prosper include clean water supplies, antibiotics, good dental care, healthy food choices and exercise and wearing seat-belts!
Don’t forget that your daily Aspirin is a real medication. There are new recommendations about its use, so let’s talk about it!
I am looking forward to seeing you for the better care that you deserve.